Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Family

I love my family I have a mum and dad and a peskey littel sister(Grace). A big part of my family are my pets, I have...
One rabbit called Nibbles
One cat named Mini
And one kitten called Flash
I was just wonderind if any one in our class had any weird pets such as axolotls or something like that?
My Family


Marshall said...

it would be cool to have axolotls

MrWoody said...

at home i have two bantams hens called saffy n coco, a dog called manny, and a cat called lionel who is boss of us all.

mudpies02 said...

I had 2 Goldfish who lived for 4 or 5 years (I've lost count) but they died last month 8(

Snowy said...

cool we had fish that lived for 5 years

Mr. Teehan said...

As of right now, I don;t have any pets. In college, my roomate had a piranah. We would feed it chicken! In my class, I have incubated chicken eggs, hatched, and raised them for a few weeks before donating them to a local farm. I have brought into the class pigs, goats, and rabbits.

Kitty Milo said...

i have one cat! you can read about him on my blog. i used to have a mouse, it died, a hampster, it ran away :-(.
we also have a stray cat living under our house and the neighbours cat seems to live at our house! it is a cuit Siamese but it is very scared oof us! we used to have a praymantis nesting in our door but we had a cleaner lady and she scraped it off :-(. we forgot to tell her not to.
then we had a spider come take her space. we called it snarlie.
but then the same cleaner lady sweeped it off again.

Snowy said...

oh, poor spider and praymantis!!!!

Kitty Milo said...

yeh i was sad

Kitty Milo said...

my mums friend had two cats, tshirt and boris, they live by the road in te pahu and they both got hit by a car!!! not at the same time though. first t shirt then acouple of weeks later boris! they were only just older than kittens! i was sssssssoooo sad i cried and cried even though i barely saw them! i love cats

Snowy said...

my sister had a rabbit but it got old and died and then a couple of weeks later garfield got run over!!!
